CA 135: Bedes Byddying: Medieval Roseries & Paternoster Beads

$15.00 inc GST

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Laning, Chris



Beads, pebbles, or some other small objects have probably been used to count prayers for as long as prayers have been counted. In fact, the English word “bead” for those small round objects on a string comes from the Old English work ebed, meaning ‘bid’, and originally meant as a prayer or requesty.


Contents; Introduction; The Prayers; The Rosary Develops; The Rosary Spreads; The Name of the Rosary; Evaluating the Evidence; The Beads; Rosaries in Gifts and Commerce; On Making Replicas; Wearing a Paternoster; Other Rosaries; Benediction; Appendix 1, 2; Annotated Bibliography; Notes.


Further details:

Softcover:135 pages
Illustrations:B&W line drawings
EAN-13:CA 0135
Product Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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