CA 137: Hygiene of the Middle Ages and Renaissance Vol. 2

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Heise, Jennifer



Domestic Arrangements. This is the second of a two-volume set of The Complete Anachronist where the hygienic practices in the period between 475AD and 1601, with some sidelights into the Roman and Elizabethan periods are examined. As was discussed in Hygiene of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Volume One: Personal Grooming, historical evidence makes it quite clear that much attention was given to tending to cleanliness and grooming in personal, domestic and social contexts. Hygiene beliefs and practices throughout the medieval and renaissance periods, however, were quite difference from what we would consider to be proper cleanliness in modern times.


Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction; Bathing; Soap; Other forms of Scents; Disposal of personal waste; Babies and Feminine hygiene; Conclusion; References; Endnotes; Wikimedia commons attributions.


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Softcover:80 pages
EAN-13:CA 0137
Product Dimensions:21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Weight 0.2 kg


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