CA 139: When work is done

$15.00 inc GST

Only 2 left in stock



Hadley, Rae. L. editor


Part 2; When Work is done, A Medieval Child’s Guide to Playful Pastimes. Children in the Middle Ages may have had a lot of work to do, but there was time for fun and games too. This issue of the Compleat Anachronist is about some of the toys, games and crafts that Medieval kids would enjoyed. Some of the skills that were included in ‘Around the House: A Medieval child’s guide to useful skills’ will come in handy, so you might want to keep that issue nearby.


Contents: Introduction; Fun in the Kitchen; Toys, Games and Crafts; Rhymes and Music.


Further details:

EAN-13:CA 0139
Product Dimensions:14 x 21.5 x 0.5 cm

Staff Comments:

Note: Each section has its own Reference and Endnote section.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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