CA 143: Skyr and Mysa: Viking Curds and Whey

$15.00 inc GST

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Reitz, Mary Ellen (M.D)


Skyr is a type of traditional soft cheese that had it’s origin in at least Viking and probably pre-Viking Norway. Skyr found its way over to Iceland where it along with it’s whey became some lynchpins of the nutritional scheme and economy of Old Iceland.


Contents: Introduction; Skyr as a food; Skyr in (mostly) Iceland; Skyr in the sagas; Making Skyr; What to do with Skyr; What to do with Mysa; Conclusion; References; Endnotes.


Further details:

Softcover:58 pages
EAN-13:CA 0143
Product Dimensions:14 x 21.5 x 0.5 cm

Staff Comments:This book contains a history of Skyr and Mysa and the author’s recipes for making your own

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Weight 0.1 kg


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