CA 157: Intoxicating Beverages in the Middle East

$15.00 inc GST

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Payne, Elspeth


This started out as a Brewing history, but the common theme turned out to be the making of intoxicating liquids which originated in the Middle East. It turned out to be an enormous topic, to which this is only a high-level introduction, enough to establish that your Middle Eastern persona would have had intoxicating liquids available and may have chosen to partake.

Contents; Introduction, Where was the Middle or Near East?, Islam, Politics Power and Intoxicating Beverages in the Middle East Betweem 600 amd 1600 : An overview, Beer in the Middle East, Wine in the Middle East, Kouniss in the Middle East, Distilled spirits in the Middle East, Mead in the Middle East, Other Fermented Berverages in the Middle East, Coffee in the Middle East, Conclusions, Bibliography, Endnotes.


Further details:

Softcover: 59 pages
Language: English
Illustrations: B&W
EAN-13:CA 0157
Product Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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