CA 161: Chronic of a Coracle: The History and Making of a Hide-Covered Boat

$15.00 inc GST

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Seybolt, Cynthia


Coracles are small, bowl-like, one- or two-person boats, mainly used for crossing rivers and fishing. The hide of a single large animal was used to cover a bent wooden frame to make the boat. This style of coracle was in use until well after 1600, when tarred canvas and then wood became more common. There are descriptions of the hide-covered boats of the British Isles from a variety of sources, but there are no extant examples until the seventeen hundreds. 

This publication explores the history and reconstruction of coracles.

Further details:

Softcover: 52 pages
Illustrations: B&W
EAN-13:CA 0161
Product Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Weight 0.1 kg


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