CA 165: Sculptural Sugar Paste: A Subtlety Art

$15.00 inc GST

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Marques, Wendy


This pamphlet focuses on sculptured sugar subtleties, a medieval and Renaissance art form that evolved from medicine rather than cooking. It begins with an introduction to the history of sugar-work and its relation to medicinal uses of sugar, and the development of the sugar-work subtlety. Next, the author’s suggested formulations for sugar-paste recipes based on recreation and testing are presented. The final section consists of instructions for, and examples of, the author’s attempts to create paste subtleties in as close to period a manner as possible. 


Further details:

Softcover: 51 pages
Illustrations: B&W
EAN-13:CA 0165
Product Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Weight 0.1 kg


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