CA 171: Medieval Brewing

$15.00 inc GST

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Belinda Sibly, Bruce Gordon, and Ben Paton


This guide is intended to as an approachable introduction to brewing in a medieval style using period techniques. It assumes the reader already has a good knowledge of home brewing and brewing terminology. Unfortunately, keeping it to a short booklet necessitates many generalisations. Since most of the sources consulted were in English, there is a resulting Anglo-centric viewpoint that should be taken into account. The bibliography at the end gives the modern and period sources from which this information has been gathered, and it is hoped that these will be a springboard for your own research and experimentation in medieval brewing. 

Contents: Introduction, A Little Myth Busting – Hygiene, Yeast and Water / The Medieval Brewer’s Equipment / Ale, Beer, and Gruit Ale / Medieval Wine, Mead and Other Honey-Based Drinks / Cider, Perry and Fruit Wines / Cordials and Liqueurs / Interpreting A Period Recipe For Bewing / Bibliography / Notes


Further details:

Softcover: 57 pages
Illustrations: B&W
EAN-13:CA 0171
Product Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.5 cm

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Weight 0.1 kg


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