Hay Making and Meadow Management 1580 – 1660

$4.80 inc GST

SKU: 1858040671 Category: Brand:


Stuart, Rob.
Part of the “English Agriculture 1580 – 1660 First Series Part 2 Volume 7”. “Hay-making and Meadow Management forms part of a comprehensive study of agricultural practice in the period from 1580 to 1660. The series has a number of objectives. The first and main objective is to provide a guide for living history interpreters and historians as to the nature of the lives and activities of the vast majority of the population of the period. The secondary aim is to provide an indication of the nature of the raw materials used in period cookery while a third is to provide a base for studies of period ecosystems and landscapes by understanding the management systems”.
Further details:

Softcover: 12 pages.
Language: English
Illustrations: N/A
ISBN-13: 1858040671
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 15.0 x 0.5 cm

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Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg


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