The Complete Receipt Book of Ladie Elynor Fetiplace Vol. 1

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Fetiplace, Elynor.


This is volume 1 of a complete transcription of the handwritten receipt book of Lady Elynor Fettiplace. This edition has been produced from a full and careful typed transcription made by John Spurling who inherited the book. In 1987 Penguin books published “Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book” by Hillary Spurling. This excellent and detailed work contained a number of the culinary recipes with a detailed commentary and explanation and also proves a far more detailed background to Lady Elynor herself. That book however contained only a small portion of the material in th receipt book, most of which was concerned with domestic medicinal remedies. This edition is the first to reproduce the whole work. Lady Elynor apparently started the book in 1604 and bequeathed it to her niece Ann Poole in 1647. A number of recipes were added latter in other hands probably from the late 17th or early 18th Centuries. Three quarters of the original book of 25 pages was written probably copied from miscellaneous loose notes by Anthony bridges and the remainder completed by an unknown but similar hand. Lady Fettiplace herself made some additions and these are shown in this text in italics. Lady Elynor lived at Appleton Manor a few miles south of Oxford and had married into a wide spread and long established branch of the gentry. The receipts include contributions from other members of her class including a couple on tobacco from Sir Walter Raleigh, a distant relative, and a cure for nosebleeds from Dr Hall, probably Shakespeare’s son in Law.

Further details:

Paperback: 68 pages
Language: English
Illustrations: NA
ISBN-13: 9781858040547
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.5 x 0.5 cm

Staff Comments:

Tower rating: one tower.


Volume 1 of three of the Complete Receipt Book of Ladie Elynor Fetiplace: Late Tudor/early Stuart (1604). Transcription of the whole original text. About 90% of the work is household remedies from a country gentlewoman the remainder mainly culinary. Please note; the 17th Century cook and home doctor did not have the benefit of modern medical knowledge and the inclusion of ingredients, methods or equipment in this book in no way implies that they are safe or legal to use.

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Weight 0.1 kg


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