Nablus soap is classified as one of the original Castille soaps and was known to be traded into the Western Medieval markets through a number of trade channels. It has been in production for thousands of years in areas such as Syria and there are still family businesses continuing to make this olive oil soap in the traditional manner to this day.
The differnece between the Aleppo and Nablus is simply that after the Aleppo soap has been aged, it is then shredded and re-processed again, creating a much finer textured and paler coloured soap. The Nablus has always been more expensive due to the further production steps and storage times to allow the soap to harden to the corrent consistancy. As such it has also been generally used for the export market, as its appearance was deemed more in keeping with the Western perceptions. As with the Aleppo, Nablus also has the added benefit of one of the few soaps being endorsed by the WHO for use in pristine habitats as there is no residue left by the soap.
Time period: Evergreen
Ingredients: Olive and laurel berries, water and potash.
Product weight: 120g
Please note; As with any product made on organically grown heritage plant matter, there may be slight variations in colour and consistency between batches however, we do our best to ensure that there is no change in the efficacy of the product.
Use: body soap, hair soap and clothes soap
Who can use it? The whole Family.
Storage: Unlike most modern soaps, this soap will become harder over time and keeps very well, even in the Australian environment. The soap will change colour over time and exposure to light – this is perfectly normal.
From Medieval Still Room a Potted History;
Balms, ointments, soaps and perfumes were just a small selection of the wide variety of personal hygiene products bought or made in the medieval household. Yes, they did indeed wash in those days! In fact they not only bathed – they waxed, dyed, powdered, moisturised, deodourised, shaped, tinted and coloured all aspects of their bodies; not only to be clean, but to enhance Nature’s work and for those that could afford it- to be fashionable.
A surprising number of extant texts have survived, describing not only the ingredients used, but also recipes, notes on best use, and where to source rare ingredients. Apothecary invoices, shipping manifests, published folios and home recipe books all enable us to recreate the cosmetic and hygiene products and home remedies that were available to different levels of society. The select bibliography below is a good starting point for those interested in how the everyday people of the past kept clean and fashionable.
This is a topical soap and not to be taken internally.
Always check ingredients list before use in case of any allergies, and if unsure, try a very small amount on the inside of the wrist and wait for at least 30 mins. Wash off immediately if there is any adverse reaction and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
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