A Proper New Book of Cookerye 1545

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Ed Huggett, Jane.


A PROPRE new booke of Cokery / declaryng what maner of meates bee best in ceason for all tymes of ‘e yere and how thei ought to bee dressed and serued at the table bothe for flessh daies and fisshe daies with a newe addicion / veri necessarye for all them that delighteth in cokery.

Further details:

Paperback: 18 pages
Language: English
Illustrations: NA
ISBN-13: 9781858040912
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 15.0 x 0.2 cm


This facsimile is based on the Corpus Christi copy of “A Proper Newe Booke of Cookery”, which was lost for several hundred years before being found again. It’s in the best condition of all the copies that still exist and the font of the facsimile is clear and easy to read. And if it wasn’t, the translation by Catherine Hall on the left is definitely easy enough to read.

The redactions of the recipes at the end of the book are a little conservative. Good recipes which would work and easy enough for a beginning cook to follow. But based on personal experience with medieval dishes, it is my opinion that they could be more than this redaction allows for.

But it is a good book for anyone interested in 16th century cooking, which shows how they thought of their food and how it should be prepared. Unlike other books, there is no talk of other things around food, such as the serving hall, but it does give the “order of meats” and how they should be served which is good tips for anyone interested in doing a period banquet.

Staff Member; R McDonald

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Weight 0.1 kg


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