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January 2016 Newsflash

Greetings Gentle Readers;

It has been a while between newsletters and for this we do apologise; we have not been idle! Mainly Medieval as a store and as an entity is evolving to better support Australian re-enactment and improve your retail experience. To that end, we are working to make our website a news and research destination as well as a store. We will be rationalising our somewhat sprawling catalogue to provide goods faster and more efficiently, and to weather the decline of the Australian dollar.

In the coming weeks, you can expect a raft of product changes on our catalogue as we update prices and availability. Rest assured pending backorders are being honoured, regardless of product changes. A number of products will only be available at events but in turn we are working to appear at more events.

Our online store will increasingly focus on locally made re-enactor items and specialist publications including Australian Artisans such as Adam McKay, Medieval Still Room and Cracked Anvil Forge, and the Stuart Press and Compleat Anachronist pamphlet series.

We are excited to bring you these improvements and we thank you for your patronage and patience in 2015. We look forward to seeing you all at more events in the coming year. So until next time, we bid you all – good reading!


Paul, Elden, Loreena and Roxy – the Mainly Medieval Team

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May Newsflash

Greetings Gentle reader,
This month we are showcasing new titles in a variety of crafts and trades from Straw and Strawcraft (Shire Publishing) to Calligraphy from the Court of Emperor Ruldolf II, and the Italian Fruit and vegetables of the 16th Century. During the next few weeks we will also be adding new brass belt findings and brooches from a variety of periods. For our subscribers, be assured the May issues of Ancient Warfare and Medieval Warfare will be here shortly.

Until next month we bid you all, good reading.
Paul and Loreena

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April Newsflash

Greetings Gentle Reader,

This month see the addition of a number of ecclesiastical studies examining the different religious orders and their part in western medieval society. These include, ‘The Other Friars; Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied Friars in the Middle Ages’; ‘The Cistercians’; The Francicans in the Middle Ages’; ‘The Benedictines in the Middle Ages’; ‘The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham (1376-1422)’. We also have the new release titles from Shire which include ‘Beauty and Cosmetics, 1550-1950’ and our latest shipment has replenished the re-enactor supplies of chapes/agulets, dress pins, towels and combs. Last but certainly not least we have the April magazine issues of Ancient Warfare (Vol6 issue 1) and Medieval Warfare (Vol2 issue 2).

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Easter break, particularly for those traveling to and from Rowany Festival at Glenworth Valley. It was great to see so many friends and we look forward to being there, full time, in 2013 with our new Past Tents, Tudor Pavilion.

Until next month we bid you all, good reading.

Paul and Loreena

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March Newsflash

Greetings Gentle readers,

A food and social bent this month, with new food titles such as Ken Albala?s ?Pancakes; A global History? and texts considering various aspects of society such as the yearly calendar, dance and maritime fishing. This is in addition to the new issues of the monthly magazine titles ?Ancient Warfare (Issue 5 2012)? and ?Medieval Warfare (Issue 1 2012 )?.

We also have an announcement:

Sadly, our intention to run the store at Rowany Festival this year has been foiled by other circumstances. Fear not, for those with pre-orders we will be taking a table at the Saturday market to ensure everyone receives their items. Be assured we will be attending Abbey Festival in July 2012 and back again for Rowany Festival 2013 with a new and larger store.

As ever, we bid you good reading,

Paul and Loreena

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February Newsflash

Greetings gentle readers,

This month we are highlighting Gaita and their latest collection of instrumental medieval music, ?Medieval Music: A collection of 12th to 14th Century?. Gaita is a specialist medieval music ensemble based in Edinburgh who have transcribed and published several manuscripts of medieval music and dance as well as producing several CDs of medieval dance music. To discover more in the Gaita range please go to the entertainment section on this site.

Throughout February new titles from the Stuart Peachey range will be added to the current range including a new DVD, ?Tudor Lives on DVD? following the daily routine of ordinary Tudor people living in the country.

Until next month we bid you all, Good Reading.

Paul and Loreena

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January Newsflash

Greetings gentle readers; we hope that the Festive season was a joyous and safe one for everyone. This month, the Creative Anachronist (CA?s) range has been expanded to CA153 as highlighted below. In addition we are proud to showcase the latest offering from the Tudor Tailor library: ?The Queen?s Servant; Gentlewomen?s dress at the accession of Henry VIII?. Keep watching for the Tudor Tailor pewter button range and Button DVD which will be added very shortly.

So until next month we bid you all, Good Reading.

Paul and Loreena

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December Newsflash

A little late this month, but midst the Christmas rush we have managed to add yet more titles including those highlighted below. For those interested in re-enactment tents, we will be updating our ‘Tents’ page regarding our new supplier ‘Past Tents’ shortly. ‘Past Tents is a UK based company who have been making quality re-enactment tents and pavilions for many years and their site is well worth a visit at

This year, Mainly Medieval will be closing for the festive celebrations (23rd of December to the 2nd of January 2012 inclusive). We look forward on our return to presenting a new range of re-enactment items as well as a host of new titles for your reading pleasure. Orders received in this time will be processed when we return.

To all our customers, we wish you a joyous festive season, and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Paul and Loreena

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November Newsflash

As the Christmas season approaches we have been extending our Stuart Peachey range of pamphlets, added two monthly magazines into our new category ?Magazines & Annuals? (Ancient Warfare and Medieval Warfare), a selection of the vast Osprey range as well as adding to our range of titles in areas such as Food and Beverages.

These items, along with another 50+ titles that have joined our library will slowly be featured below during the month, and we hope they will intrigue and stimulate.

Until next month we bid you all, Good Reading.

Paul and Loreena

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October Newsflash

Welcome gentle readers, to the new look mainly medieval site. It has been quite a while and we?d like to thank everyone for their patience during this time. A point to note is that wargaming section is now located at our sister site, Aetherworks. Mainly Medieval will continue to concentrate on the interests of all those interested in history and the needs of the re-enactment communities.

Some of the new features of the site will include a 3 tier ranking system,?located in the Staff comments, which will indicate whether an item is a?primary, secondary or a tertiary source. Copies of item instructions sheets and warnings will be supplemented with basic care and maintenance articles, and a new series of articles will be introduced which discuss the various uses of items; for example, table cutlery and dining habits.

Each month, a selection of new titles and items will be added to the site and we hope that you will make use of the customers review section to give your feedback.

As ever, we wish you all, Good Reading!


Paul and Loreena