“TO THE REDER: This Boke of Justice of peace is amended noew at this impryntynge, as in the allegation of the yeres of statues, and the chaptyres of the same. And farthermore manye statutes, that in dyvers cases charge the sayde Justyces of peace, be added to, that were never before printed in the sayde boke, one cause is for many of theyme have bene enacted, sythe the tyme that the same boke was fyrste compyled: whiche was a very good act, for lyghtly there is nothing belongynge to a Justyce of the peace to do, as concernyng the processe of their sessions, to make warrantes, supersidias, enditementes of haute treason, pety treson, felonies, appeales, trespasses upon statutes, and contra regis, pacem, but it is conteyned in this lytle boke.”
Further details:
Softcover: 41 pages.
Language: English
Illustrations: N/A
ISBN-13: N/A
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 15.0 x 0.5 cm
Staff Comments:
This is more or less a facsimile of a handbook on how to be a Justice of the Peace during this period; eligibility, what he is able to do and not do within common law, and his overal power. The above section is transcribed ‘as is’ from the text to provide an indication of the language used throughout this facsimile of an original source document.
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