John Murrell
A new book of cookerie. Wherein is set forth a most perfect direction to furnish an extraordinary, or ordinary feast either in Summer or Winter. Also a Bill of Fare for Fish dayes, Fasting-daies, Ember-weekes, or Lent. And Likewise the most commendable fashion of Dressing or Sowcing, either Flesh, Fish or Fowle: for making of Gellies, and other Made-dishes for service, to beautifie either Noblemans or Gentlemans Table. Together with the best and newest Art of Carving and Sewing. All set forth according to the now new English and French fashions.
Further details:
Softcover: 43 pages
Language: English
Illustrations: NA
ISBN: 1858040248
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.5 x 0.3 cm
Staff Comments:
This is a transcription of the original facsimile (fifth printing), maintaining the original spelling and punctuation while identifying any changes made. Recipe sections for this volume are Baked Meates, Puddings, English Cookerie and Gellies. Includes a glossary and abbreviations at the end of this volume.
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